Friday 27 June 2014


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Ratu Boko is an archaeological site known to modern Javanese as Kraton Ratu Boko or Ratu Boko's Palace. Ratu Boko is located on a plateau, about three kilometres south of Lara Jonggrang Prambanan temple complex in YogyakartaIndonesia. The original name of this site is still unclear, however the local inhabitants named this site after King Boko, the legendary king mentioned in Loro Jonggrang folklore. In Javanese, Ratu Boko means "Stork King".

The site covers 16 hectares in two hamlets (Dawung and Sambireja) of the village of Bokoharjo and Prambanan, Sleman Regency. In striking contrast to other Classic-period sites in Central Java and Yogyakarta, which are remains of temples, Ratu Boko displays attributes of an occupation or settlement site, although its precise functions is unknown. Probably the site was a palace complex which belongs to the kings of Sailendra or Mataram Kingdom that also build temples scattered across Prambanan Plain. The argument was based on the fact that this complex was not a temple nor building with religious nature, but a fortified palace instead which evidence in the remnant of fortified walls and the dry moat as defensive structures. The remains of settlements also founds in Ratu Boko vicinity. This site is located 196 m above the sea level, on the highest point in the site, there is a small pavilion from which one will be able to see a panoramic view of Prambanan temple with Mount Merapi as the background.
On a hillside plateau, overlooking Prambanan temple complex and with a view to Mount Merapi behind Prambanan Temple complex, lie the remains of a once grand palace. The palace (kraton) is named Ratu Boko after a King Boko of local folklore, but the real owner of the palace is more likely to have been a king of a local dynasty.

The position gives a view worthy of royalty, but in addition, it is possible that the location was chosen for strategic reasons, as the structures also show signs of being fortified, and a dry moat was used for additional security.

Grand stone gates, built on two levels, are the largest and most often photographed structures of the site, it is clear that these lead to what was once a settlement, which sets Ratu Boko apart from the other archeological sites in Central Java which are entirely religious in nature.

The hilltop plateau is divided into terraces that are separated by stone walls and stone faced fortifications. The main residence is thought to have been built on a set of stone foundations with a timber structure for pillars and roof. The timber elements are no longer in place, but the stone base shows the scale of the residence.
Throughout the area you can find small Hindu and Buddhist temples and structures, a fountain adorned bathing area, bath house, a crematorium, multiple caves, an area used as a public hall.
In 1790 the Dutchman Van Boeckholtz found ruins, and over time research was done, and by 1838 the Dutch commenced restoration work. In 1952 the Indonesian government took the reigns, and has continued work since then.
Ratu Boko is atop a hill, and a system of drainage trenches and water storage ponds was developed to maintain water supply.

This story connects the Ratu Boko Palace with the Prambanan and Sewu temple complex. The name of King Boko comes from Javanese Folklore, in which King Boko was the father of Loro Djonggrang. A prince named Bandung desperately wanted Loro Djonggang to marry him and she refused, as she he had killed her father. He insisted, and she finally agreed on one condition. He must build
1000 temples in one night. Prince Bandung summoned up spirits to help him, and close to dawn, much to the dismay of Loro Djonggrang they had completed the 999th temple. Loro Djonggrang ordered all of the servants to light a large fire, and begin pounding rice. The roosters were fooled into thinking it was dawn and began to crow, the spirits fled, and the final temple was left unbuilt. Prince Bandung was furious and turned Loro Djonggrang into stone, representing the final temple.

According to the traditions, she is the image of Durga in the north cell of the Shiva temple at Prambanan, which is also known as Loro Jonggrang or the Slender Virgin.

The History

According to writer HJ. DeGraff, in the 17th century there were many European travelers to Java, who mentioned that there existed an archeological site which related of certain King Boko. In 1790, a Dutch researcher, Van Boeckholtz was the first to discover the archaeological ruins on top of Ratu Boko Hill. The hill itself is the northwestern branch of a larger Sewu mountainsystem, located on southern part of Central and East Java spanned between Yogyakarta to Tulungagung. The publication of the discovery attracted scientists such as Mackenzie, Junghun and Brumun to conduct research and exploration on the site in the year 1814. In the early 20th century, the Ratu Boko site was thoroughly studied by researcher FDK Bosch, who published his findings in a report entitled "Keraton Van Ratoe Boko". From this report concluded that the ruins was the remnant of a keraton(palace). During these researches, Mackenzie also found a statue of gold-headed man and woman embracing each other. A stone pillar with ornaments of zoomorphic figures among which are elephants, horses, and others, also found among the ruins.
Abhayagiri Vihara inscription dated 792 CE is one of the few written evidence discovered in Ratu Boko site. The inscription mentioned Tejahpurnapane Panamkarana or Rakai Panangkaran (746-784 M), and also mentioned a vihara located on top of the hill called Abhyagiri Wihara which means "a vihara on top of the hill that free from danger". From this inscription it was concluded that King Panangkaran in later period in during his reign wished for a spiritual refuge and has created a reclusion of Buddhist hermitage named Abhayagiri Wihara in 792. Rakai Panangkaran was a pious follower of Mahayana Buddhist, a Dhyani Buddha statue was discovered in the site which confirmed its initial Buddhist nature of the site. Nevertheless some Hindu elements is also found in the site, such as the discovery of statues of Hindu deities; Durga, Ganesha and Yoni.
It seems that the compound was converted as a hilltop fortress by a local landlord named Rakai Walaing Pu Kumbayoni. According to Shivagrha inscription the place was used as a defensive fort consists of a stacked hundreds of stones. The hilltop fortress is used as a fort during a power struggle in later days of Mataram Kingdom.
The Ratu Boko complex consists of gopura (gates), paseban, pools, pendopopringgitankaputren (women's quarter), and a meditation caves.

Ratu Boko stands 196 meters above sea level and covers an area of 250.000 squaremeters. It is divided into four parts, the central, the west, the southeast and the east. The central section of the compound consists of the main gates, a crematorium temple, a pool, a stone pedestal and the paseban (or audience hall). The southeast part covers the pendopo (attached open pavilion), balai-balai (public hall or building), three miniature temples, a pool and a walled compound popularly named by locals as kaputren (women's quarter).

At Ratu Boko, traces of probable secular structures were erected on a plateau divided into terraces separated from each other by stone walls and stone-faced ramparts (talud). The site was reached by a steep path up the northwest slope of the plateau, in the direction of Prambanan. The structural remains in the terrace at Ratu Boko site consist of places with folk names connected with palaces such as paseban (reception pavilion), pendopo (audience hall) and kaputren (women's quarter). A pool complex lies on a terrace adjoining the east side of the pendopo. A group of artificial caves, probably for meditation, lies to the north, isolated from the rest of the site. 
::Ratu Boko is located 3km south of the Prambanan complex and east of Yogyakarta, off the road to Solo.

We recommend you organise a car and driver through either our Visitor Assistance Centre or your hotel. This way you can also have transport ready to take you back when you are ready to head back.  The other alternatives are a tour group mini-bus, or even a taxi.

Tickets are available at the official ticket booth at the entrance
The fees are as follows:
RATU BOKO, Entrance Ticket Pass
Indonesian local or KITAS card holderIDR   25.000
Indonesian local ChildrenIDR   10.000
Foreigner - AdultUSD  13
Foreigner - Student [registered]USD  7

Indonesian local or KITAS card holderIDR   45.000
Indonesian local childrenIDR   20.000
Foreigner - AdultUSD  25
Foreigner - Student [registered]USD  12.5

Indonesian local or KITAS card holderIDR   50.000
Indonesian local childrenIDR   20.000
Foreigner - AdultIDR 324.000
Foreigner - Student [registered]IDR 162.000

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