Thursday 26 June 2014


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Yogyakarta (or Jogjakarta) has been known as The Neverending Asia. Many say that a single visit to Jogja is never enough. 

The list of things you can experience in Jogja may seem overwhelming, ranging from natural splendors, art and tradition and heritages to culinary adventure. This is why Jogja is the second most visited destination in Indonesia, next to Bali.
In addition, there are about 70,000 handicraft industries and other facilities like various accommodations and transportations, numerous food services, travel agents, and proper tourism support, and also tour security team support called as Policemen of Tour, locally known as  Bhayangkara Wisata.

Jogjakarta's geographical condition also supports the variety of existing tourism objects. Friendly climate ensures that you can plan your trips more intensely. The beautiful landscape along the way makes your travel to each destination worthwhile.

Among the 31 cultural tourism attractions and 19 natural tourism beauties, try to make sure that you visit Borobudur, Prambanan Temple and silver handicraft in Kotagede.

You can also try Selarong Cave, Pandansimo beach, Gajah Mountain, or Vredeburg Fort. To understand the history of the sultanate, try visiting the Kraton of Yogyakarta and Tamansari.

A visit to Jogja is never complete without experiencing Malioboro street. Rows of shops and outlets sell many kinds of souvenirs you can bring back home. If you want to test your negotiation skills you can try The Haggling Game with the street vendors. All's fair in love and shopping.


Jogjakarta stretches from the slopes of mighty Mount Merapi in the north to the wave-swept beaches of the powerful Indian Ocean to the south. It was the mighty Javanese Empire of Mataram, Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat. Jogjakarta (Jogja) came into being in 1755, when a land dispute split the power of Mataram into the Sultanates of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo). Prince Mangkubumi built Kraton of Yogyakarta and created one of the most powerful Javanese states ever.


Domestic and International flights service Yogyakarta. Tugu train station close to Malioboro Street has several inexpensive express trains from and to Java overland everyday. Good express service from Jakarta and Surabaya. Buses also operate regulary to Borobudur and Prambanan Temples. Bicycles and motorcycles can be hired using a nominal fee.

People & Culture

The people of Jogjakarta are known for their hospitality and good manner. If you show proper respect, you're welcome in any part of the city.
Many Indonesians consider Jogjakarta a good place to retire because of the serenity. Some say that time flow slower in Jogja because of it.
Jogjakartans are fond of using compass point for direction, so you need to familiarize yourself with it. If you ask for direction to a native Jogjakartan, instead of saying "Go to the left or right" he or she might say, "Go to west and then north" and so on.


Jogjakarta offers many luscious delicacies. From bakpia cookies, wingko babat, to enting-enting kacang, visitors will be delighted to find there are so many delicious choices here in this area. The food is relatively mild and sweet in flavor. Make sure you single out sambal or chili-based dishes unless you like spicy food.
Try reading our Jogjakarta's Dining Guide.

Yogyakarta in the history of Indonesian independence

At the time of independence, Yogyakarta is also taking a very important role in the struggle of the Indonesian. Many national figures born in Yogyakarta and affect the way of this nation such as Ki Hajar Dewantara, KH Ahmad Dahlan, Sultan Hamengku Buwana IX, and many others. Many events and history have occurred in this city, such as general attack to enemy (Dutch Colonial) which well known as Serangan Umum 1 Maret. Yogyakarta has ever been appointed as a capital of Indonesia Republic in 1946-1949. This city is also known as the city of education which has been much visited by students throughout Indonesia. Yogyakarta is also a town that still closely maintain the values and cultural traditions of Java. This culture is became the biggest capital of this city for future development, including tourism side. 

Places of Interest

Yogyakarta has been able to show itself as a tourist destination city in Indonesia where this city is strategically located in the middle of Java Island and own the easy access to places of interest nearby. This city has many attractions for foreign or domestic tourists who make this city always crowded visited throughout the year. Places of interest and easy to visit around this city including the Sultan Palace, Taman Sari, Prambanan Temple, Borobudur Temple and the rest you can see here. 

Tourist Facilities

As a tourist destination, Yogyakarta has also been equipped with the facilities that will pamper every guest who visit this place like accommodation / hotels, bars, restaurants, Discotheque, spas, shopping centers, medical centers, international airport and others. 


As to the public transportation in Indonesia, this city makes it easy for everyone to move where it has been provided the public transportation such as taxis, buses and trains. The unique and ancient transportation are still remain until today and be excellent to each passenger are BECAK and Andong. Becak is a bike transportation where the existence of passenger is located in front of the bike itself. Places for passengers have been provided in front of the bike and the driver is behind and the way of this transportation is rather slow due to be rowed to move. While Andong is the ancient transportation using horses to pull the passenger seat. Transportation has also become a favorite for every tourist who visits the city of Yogyakarta.

Tourism Office

Tourism Board 
Jl. Malioboro No. 56, Yogyakarta 55213,
Phone. (62-274) 582628, 587486
Fax. (62-274) 565437
Provincial Culture and Tourism Office
Jl. Cendana 11
Phone : (62-274) 562628, 589350

Guide Service
Phone : 0856 4352 9342

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